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Form Processing

Today many of the organizations worldwide are using automated form processing to deal with large volumes of information and data that is filled up in forms like invoices, vouchers, survey forms and any other form used for filing claims. Information collected through Electronic or handwritten form needs to be processed to access the required information. Accessing important information at the right time can be useful in making correct business decisions.

As more and more institutions / organizations are converting to online media so as to work faster and more efficiently, information in paper format is now of little importance. Our form processing services is devised to convert information from paper forms into electronic media. Our professionals are well experienced to capture data from any type of handwritten or typed forms efficiently, accurately, and most importantly cost-effectively.

Our Forms processing services involves the extraction of information from any structured or un-structured forms or scanned images and updating it on a desired output medium.

Our services include

  • Document Preparation

  • Form Design

  • Document Scanning

  • Automatic / Manual Data capture

  • Document Warehousing

At Apex, we process forms such as survey forms, questionnaires, coupons, invoices, tax statements, sales and purchase orders, medical claim forms, insurance claims form, credit card applications, market research forms, product registration forms, subscription forms, legal forms, administrative documents, payroll processing, medical records, any online form and application forms and also easily handle the handwritten forms using the manual data entry method using double keying or the simple single keying process to ensure a high level of accuracy.

To test and judge our abilities Please use the Form to ask for a FREE Sample of your project. To know more about the services provided and a cost proposal send in an email at info@apexeindia.com.
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