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Email Marketing

Reaching potential customers in this computer age is a real ease. More than 70 percent of small and medium-sized companies are using email marketing to expand their business.

E-mail Marketing is known to be a fastest option to double your sales. In many cases E-mail marketing has proved to deliver responses within 48 hours. It generates new business avenues & boost up the sale of your organization.

Many business organizations are finding it difficult to keep track with the changing trends of E-mail marketing and they turn to a professional e-mail marketing company for results.

Advantages of E-mail Marketing

Eco Friendly

Since email marketing is paper free so it is more friendly to our environment as compared to print media.

Extremely Cheap

As compared printed newsletters the costs incurred in e-mail marketing is very low. The advertiser do not pay for paper, printing or postage.

Instant Results

If compared with other marketing techniques. Its results are instant. It is easier to keep track of every e-mail sent. An advertiser can keep track of bounce-back mails or the mails with positive and negative responses.

Requirements of Email Marketing

Designing Mailers

The most important thing in E-mail Marketing is the creation of E-mail which should be in plain text or HTML. It should be ‘eye catching’ with an ability to receive quick action from the receiver of the mail. More over it should clearly explain about your business and the motive of the mail.

Email Delivery

At Apex our aim is that the mail should be sent to as many potential customers as possible targeting directly to their inbox. For this E-mail software’s are used which deliver spam free mails in ethical manner.

Email Delivery reporting and feedback management

Apex keep track of your every email sent, separate reports are generated for every response and bounced back email. Email bounce rates are monitored regularly and our constant endeavor ensures it is kept at bare minimum levels. All the outgoing messages are deemed SPAM FREE through automatic postal address addition feature.

To test and judge our abilities Please use the Form to ask for a FREE Sample of your project. To know more about the services provided and a cost proposal send in an email at info@apexeindia.com.

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