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In this fast changing world of global competence and quality E-learning is becoming a major source of education these days.
The biggest advantage of e-learning is that you can learn at your own pace. You can repeat the content numbers of times till you are able to understand

Secondly you can choose your own time for learning. It becomes easier for you to get time for learning out of your busy schedule whether you sit late night or early in the morning, you can manage your time easily. Due to this reason more and more working professionals are interested in learning the e-way.

After lot of research and analysis Apex has designed courses templates and work and has created its own professional quality training program. A course can contain as many modules as necessary which can be modified at any time. It can be used as stand-alone training course or with a supplement to an Instructor-Led course.

Apex has infrastructure that has been set up for production of video-based teaching material.

Delivery Options – E-learning Solutions

Apex can design your training course in almost any configuration whether it is computer or web based course to meet your needs precisely.

  • Hybrids which integrate video on CD-ROM with access to selected Internet/Intranet sites for dynamic content
  • CD-ROM with simple reports which are e-mailed automatically
  • Stand-alone CD-ROM
  • Networked solutions providing access to all employees within the network and reporting to a central database
  • Internet courses providing access to employees worldwide with simple e-mail reports
  • Internet courses providing access to employees worldwide with interactive chat, video, and full course management and remote administrative features
To test and judge our abilities Please use the Form to ask for a FREE Sample of your project. To know more about the services provided and a cost proposal send in an email at info@apexeindia.com.
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